Most frequent questions and answers
General information
What is the purpose and mission of Qurtuba ?
Qurtuba Housing Coop. has been registered in Quebec since 1990. It is a not for profit organization that buys housing units and transfers them to members in good standing once the cooperative's regulatory requirements are met. The main objective of Qurtuba is to offer to its members the opportunity to acquire houses at reasonable prices while avoiding paying usurious interest (Riba). It also allows investors to derive reasonable benefits from their investments, both moral (Halal) and material.
What is the concept of Qurtuba?
The concept of Qurtuba is to purchase houses at the request of interested members who meet the required conditions. Then, once the home occupants have accumulated an amount of shares equivalent to the initial purchase price, the ownership of the house is transferred to them.
Is Qurtuba's concept based on Murabaha or Musharaka? Does Qurtuba's approach involve combining two contracts into a single agreement?
Qurtuba operates on a buy-and-sell model: Qurtuba first purchases the house and then sells it to the member once the member has accumulated enough shares to match the initial purchase price.
No, Qurtuba's concept is not based on two contracts in one. It is a single contract between Qurtuba and the member for the purpose of occupying the house.
Who is the owner of Qurtuba?
All members are collective owners
Who runs Qurtuba?
A Board of Directors (BOD), composed of volunteers elected by the General Assembly, runs Qurtuba. These BOD members have a 2-year renewable mandate.The BOD is supported by a small team of employees
The funds that I am depositing in Qurtuba, are you investing these funds in other companies?
No, the deposited funds are only used to purchase houses for the members.
Where do Qurtuba's funds come from?
Qurtuba's funds come exclusively from members. Financing by banks is completely excluded.
What is the main source of income of Qurtuba?
Qurtuba's main source of income is the occupancy fees paid by the home occupants
Is Qurtuba complying with Shariaa?
Yes, Qurtuba complies with Sharia. The cooperative is committed to an ethical approach by purchasing houses whose ownership is then transferred to the home occupants at the initial price. Several imams from Quebec have purchased their homes with Qurtuba
How does Qurtuba contribute to Quebec's economy?
Qurtuba has a positive impact on Quebec's economy. First of all, it has provided means for more than 1 000 Quebec families to become eventual homeowners instead of renters. Moreover, at a current annual rate of about 100 to 150 house purchases and 20 to 30 transfers to the members, Qurtuba provides jobs to the following categories of workers (irrespective of ethnic origin and religious belief): notaries, real estate agents, building inspectors, property Insurance providers, draftsmen and surveyors (for preparing Certificates of Location) and construction Industry Workers (many members order construction of new homes). Finally, Qurtuba provides jobs to workers and suppliers of the Cooperative’s own office in order to serve its own members.
What happens in case of bankruptcy?
To determine whether Qurtuba can declare bankruptcy, we must first understand the concept of bankruptcy. Bankruptcy refers to the legal status of an individual or legal entity (such as a company) that owes money to various parties—such as suppliers, banks, or tax authorities—but is unable to pay its debts or meet its financial obligations to creditors. Bankruptcy is declared through a court ruling, typically issued by a competent authority (such as commercial courts), and initiated by the bankrupt party itself, its creditors, or the state. Since Qurtuba does not owe any debts, the chances of it being declared bankrupt are extremely low, virtually nonexistent.
All deposits made by members are invested in real estate, one of the most stable sectors globally. Furthermore, the vast majority of purchased properties increase in value over time, with their current value exceeding their initial purchase price. Additionally, all properties must be insured with Canadian insurance companies.
Cash funds are deposited in a Canadian bank and benefit from the underlying guarantees of the federal government. As a result, the probability of bankruptcy is minimal, if not nonexistent. The only risk worth mentioning is the occurrence of a large-scale natural disaster that results in all properties being destroyed or severely damaged, and insurance companies being unable to compensate. In such a case, the cooperative's assets could be liquidated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XXIII of the Quebec Cooperatives Act.
Due to the extreme bad weather conditions, does Qurtuba post the closing hours on the website?
Yes, it will always be indicated on the website and will also be updated in our voicemail. It is always advised to check the opening hours on our website before coming to the office.
What is the best way to communicate with Qurtuba?
To ensure quality service and prompt, reliable follow-up, members and any other person are invited to use email for their communications with the cooperative. A contact form is available on Qurtuba's website at the following link: [https://qurtuba.ca/contact/].
I want to become a member of the cooperative. What do I need to do?
To become a member, you will need to open an account. To open an account, you will need to provide us with the following documents:
- The completed membership form, accessible via this link: https://qurtuba.ca/fr/forms/
- A copy of your photo ID
- A minimum payment of $2,075 (200 shares at $10 each and $75 account opening fee). If you submit the documents by mail or in person, you can pay by personal check or bank draft. If you wish to send your documents by email, you will need to complete the Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) form and send it with a voided check or a canceled check to secretary@qurtuba.ca. These payment methods are valid regardless of the amount.
I want to become a member with Qurtuba, to which email address can I send my documents to?
You must submit all your complete documents at secretary@qurtuba.ca
Does everyone has to pay $75 to open an account?
Anyone wishing to become a member of Qurtuba must pay $75 for membership fee. However, the following persons are exempt from the $75 membership fee: minors, full time students and former home occupants who wish to become members again after the property they occupied has been transferred or sold.
What payment methods does Qurtuba accept?
Are accepted payment by personal cheque, bank draft, pre-authorized debit, Interac transfer and direct payment from a bank account (invoice payment).
What is the minimum age to create an account with Qurtuba? Do I have to pay $75 dollar fees?
There is no minimum age to open an account with Qurtuba. For a minor, the parents must open a joint account for them, where the child will be the primary account holder and one of the parents will be the secondary holder. The $75 registration fee is waived for minors.
Does Qurtuba issue a certificate in exchange for the equity shares purchased?
Yes, Qurtuba issues a certificate for the class B equity shares purchased by members in good standing. The certificate can be downloaded from your online account once your payment has been processed and the account balance has been updated. Please note that certificates are not issued for dividends or for class A or G equity shares.
Does Qurtuba offer registered accounts such as RRSP, TFSA, FHSA, or RESP?
No, as a housing coop., Qurtuba does not offer these types of financial products.
I do not reside in Quebec. Could I still become a member of Qurtuba?
Yes, anyone with a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN) and a Canadian bank account can become a member of Qurtuba.
I am a non-occupant member. How many accounts can I open? If so, what are the conditions?
A member may not have more than one active account at the same time. However, the spouse of a member who holds an account with her husband may open her own account.
Can I open another account while I have the home's occupants account?
A member may not have more than one active account at the same time. Also, since the rate used to calculate the occupancy fees is always higher than the dividend rate, it is in the occupant member's best interest to use the funds to make additional payments on the house.
I'm a Home-Occupant and the house has been transfered into my name. Can I use the same account if I want to continue buying shares and receiving dividends?
You cannot use your same Qurtuba account. You have to create a new account with Qurtuba but without paying $75 as you had already purchased a house with Qurtuba.
I had a Non-Occupant account with Qurtuba and now it is closed. Can I re-activate this account or do I need to create a new account?
You cannot use your same account which has been closed. You must apply to open a new account with Qurtuba and pay a minimum of $2,075 (200 shares at $10 each and $75 account opening fee).
I have a Qurtuba account with a balance below $2,000. Can I reactivate it?
This situation can only occur if you withdrew all the funds from your account at the beginning of a quarter and dividends were subsequently credited to it. To reactivate the account, you have a period of 3 months from the date the dividends were credited to make a deposit and bring the account balance to a minimum of $2,000. You also have the option to withdraw the funds from the account within the same period if you wish. After this period, any remaining funds will be withdrawn from the account and donated to charitable organizations, and the account can no longer be reactivated.
I have read the regulations on your website, I would like to have more information. Do you have online sessions?
Online information sessions are organised by Qurtuba every first Sunday of the month. To register, please visit the website and click on the link at the bottom of the home page.
Once I become a member of Qurtuba, will I have access to my online account?
Yes, you will have access to your file through an online portal. Many pieces of information can be obtained directly from the portal by accessing your online account via the following link: https://portal.qurtuba.ca/Members/Login.
Can I be added to the WhatsApp group?
Here is the link to the group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GXuxpo0vvj14W0vsnrwOj0
Account Management
Are there any restrictions on purchasing shares?
No, a member can purchase as many shares as he wants and when he wants.
Does Qurtuba accept cash payments?
Cash payment is not accepted.
I have an account with Qurtuba, can my friend or any relative deposit in this account?
Third party deposits are not accepted in Qurtuba. All deposits must be received from the primary account holder for an individual account. If you have a joint account in Qurtuba, both primary and secondary account holders can make deposits from each of their own individual personal bank accounts or personal joint bank accounts.
I sent a payment and the amount was withdrawn from my bank account. When will the deposit transaction be updated in my Qurtuba account?
The transaction will be updated in your account in 7 business days.
Can payments come from a foreign bank account?
No, all payments must come from an account at a bank doing business in Canada.
I have sent a cheque or I have a pre-authorized debit payment set up with Qurtuba and I wish to stop this payment, where do I send my request to?
Please send a cancellation request by email to cheque@qurtuba.ca.
Where can I send my pre-authorization debit form?
You must send your pre-authorized debit form at cheque@qurtuba.ca
Can I withdraw my funds without restrictions?
Yes, you can withdraw all or part of your funds, including dividends, at any time and without any penalty. However, it may take 7 to 10 days to receive the requested funds.
I would like to withdraw an amount from my Qurtuba account. What is the procedure to follow?
To make a withdrawal, you will need to complete the withdrawal form (https://qurtuba.ca/fr/forms/) and send it by email, along with a copy of your photo ID and a voided check. Please allow 7 to 10 days to receive the funds in your bank account.
Is it possible for a primary or secondary member to make a withdrawal from a joint account at Qurtuba?
For Joint Account holders, if you wish to make a withdrawal from your joint account in Qurtuba, it is advised to present yourselves at the office. However, if both of you have agreed amongst yourselves that both account holders can withdraw the funds (with or without the presence of the other account holder being present), you will need to provide a letter of authorization for this specific request (prepared and signed by you both accompanied with both of your 2 pieces of I.D.) and submit it.
I would like to withdraw an amount from my Qurtuba account. Where can I send my documents to?
To make a withdrawal request, you must send all your documents to cheque@qurtuba.ca
I have submitted a fund withdrawal request, and I would like to know how long it will take to receive them in my bank account?
Allow a timeframe of 7 to 10 business days.
As a non-occupant member, am I eligible for dividends?
Yes, non-occupying members are eligible for dividends under certain conditions, including not being on the waiting list and maintaining the deposited funds for a full quarter.
As a non-occupant member, what kind of return should I expect?
Non-occupant members, whose names do not appear on the waiting list, are entitled to dividends each quarter, calculated based on the quarterly balance of equity shares held in their account. The annualized dividend rates for the past 10 years are available on Qurtuba's website by following this link: https://qurtuba.ca/ethical-investing/
What are the deadlines to qualify for dividends for a given quarter?
The start dates of the quarters serve as the deadlines to be eligible for dividends for the respective quarters. Any payment dated or received after the deadline will not be eligible for the dividends of the targeted quarter.
- Quarter 1 (Jan.-Mar.): December 31
- Quarter 2 (Apr.-Jun.): March 31
- Quarter 3 (Jul.-Sep.): June 30
- Quarter 4 (Oct.-Dec.): September 30
How are dividends calculated?
The dividend rate is variable and changes from one quarter to another. It is applied to the member's minimum account balance during the quarter in question.
Here is an example: The member's balance was $100,000 throughout the quarter. The annualized dividend rate announced for the quarter is 5%. Since dividends are paid quarterly and there are 4 quarters in a year, the member is eligible for a dividend of $1,250 ($100,000 x (5% / 4 = 1.25%)).
Are dividends automatically added to the funds held in the account?
Yes, dividends are automatically credited to the member's account and become part of the funds they hold. Dividends received during one quarter are also eligible for dividends in the following quarter(s).
Can I withdraw the dividends instead of keeping them in my Qurtuba account?
Yes, you can choose not to keep your dividends in your Qurtuba account and have them deposited into your bank account as they are received, upon submitting a withdrawal request.
When are dividends paid?
Dividends are paid 3 to 4 weeks after the end of the quarter in question. For example, dividends for the January-March quarter are paid around the 3rd or 4th week of April. Dividends for the April-June quarter are paid around the 3rd or 4th week of July, and so on.
Is the dividend taxable?
Yes, Qurtuba issues a Relevé 1 and T4A for the amount of dividend received by the member.
How long does my deposit have to stay with Qurtuba to receive the dividend?
To receive the dividend, you must have at least $2,000 and hold your money for at least three months, from the beginning of the quarter to the end. The dividend rate is always variable.To receive the dividend, you must have at least $2,000 and hold your money for at least three months, from the beginning of the quarter to the end. The dividend rate is always variable.To receive the dividend, you must have at least $2,000 and hold your money for at least three months, from the beginning of the quarter to the end. The dividend rate is always variable.
Seniority and Waiting List
Is it possible to buy a house as soon as you become a member of Qurtuba?
No, you have to wait your turn once you have accessed the seniority list and the waiting list. To be eligible for the seniority list, you must have a minimum balance of $60,000.
What is the minimum amount to add my name on the waiting list?
You must reach a threshold of $60,000.00 to be on the waiting list. However, if you add your name on the waiting list with $60,000.00, Qurtuba's contribution will be $240,000.00. If you want the maximum contribution with Qurtuba, you must have a balance of $100.000.00 before entering the waiting list to get $400,000.00 from Qurtuba.
What will happened when I reach $60 000?
This is the minimum threshold to purchase a house. your name will automatically be added to the seniority list. You can then request to be added to the waiting list.
What does Seniority Date mean?
The seniority corresponds to the date on which your account balance reached the eligibility threshold of $60 000. If your account balance has fluctuated above or below the threshold due to withdrawals and deposits, the seniority will correspond to the last date on which the account balance reached the threshold.
What does the Seniority List Rank mean?
Seniority list rank is your seniority ranking among all members whose balance has reached the eligibility threshold from the cooperative's inception to today's date. This list includes all eligible members, including those who are not willing to purchase a property in the near future. The seniority rank is updated in real time, as Qurtuba purchases properties from members and as members make withdrawals from their accounts. Please note that members for whom Qurtuba has approved the acquisition of a property and the deed of sale has not yet been signed are not included in this list. This means that if, for any reason, an approved acquisition is cancelled, your rank may drop on the list if the member in question has more seniority than you.
What does the Waiting List Rank mean?
This information is provided only to members who have opted to have their name added to the waiting list. Addition to the list is available only to members whose names already appear on the seniority list, and is done upon request. It indicates your ranking among members who requested that their names be added to the waiting list. Your position on the waiting list is valid for a given quarter. However, it fluctuates from one quarter to the next, depending on the willingness of members older than you to join or leave the waiting list. Additions and removal from the waiting list will take place at the beginning of the quarter following the one in which the application was received. In addition to the additions/withdrawals that take place at the beginning of each quarter, the rank on this list is updated in real time, as Qurtuba purchases properties from members and as members make withdrawals from their accounts. As with the seniority list, members for whom the cooperative has approved the purchase of a property and the deed of sale has not yet been signed are not included in the waiting list. As a result, if for any reason an approved acquisition is cancelled, your rank may drop on the list if the member concerned has more seniority than you and wishes to keep his or her name on the waiting list.
What does Projected position in waiting list mean?
This is the rank on the waiting list that the member should have at the beginning of the next quarter if he or she makes a request to be added to the waiting list as of today's date. This information is dynamic and evolves until the last day of the quarter, taking into account requests to be added to the waiting list and requests to be removed from the waiting list from members with greater seniority.
How do I add my name to the waiting list?
To add your name on the waiting list, you need to submit this request from your online Qurtuba portal, under the tab where it indicates "Seniority List Details". You will find a green button that indicates "Add My Name to the Waiting list." Please note that any request to be added to the waiting list or to withdraw from the waiting list that is received during the quarter, is always done at the beginning of our quarters, which are the following: January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st. Next to each point, there is a blue question mark which you can click on to display the information relating to each point.
If I send the request to add my name to the waiting list from my online portal between October 1 to December 31, in which quarter will I not be entitled to the dividend?
If, for example, your request to be added to the waiting list is submitted between October 1 and December 31, your name will be added to the waiting list on the 1st day of the following quarter, i.e. January 1. You will not be eligible for dividends in any quarter in which your name appears on the waiting list.
I have made a request to be added to (or removed from) the waiting list and would like to cancel it. Is this possible?
No, requests to be added to or removed from the waiting list are irreversible. You will need to wait until the start of the next term to submit a request to be removed from or added to the waiting list, as the case may be.
I received the selection letter from Qurtuba, but I am not ready. What do I need to do?
You will need to inform Qurtuba. After that, you will have to remove your name from the waiting list and add it back when you are ready to begin your purchase process. Since waiting list priority is based on seniority, when you rejoin the waiting list, your rank will be determined based on the seniority of other members.
My authorization letter is no longer valid. Is it possible to get an extension?
The validity period for authorization letters is 3 months. If, by the expiration of your letter, you have not secured an accepted purchase offer from a seller, you will need to wait 2 quarters (6 months) before becoming eligible for a new letter. However, we cannot guarantee a new letter immediately after the 6-month period, as a selection may have already been made before April 21. You will receive a new letter only if funds allow.
For example, if you received an authorization letter in the 3rd quarter of 2024 (July 21, 2024), and by October 21, 2024 (4th quarter of 2024), you have not found a house to purchase, you will need to wait for the subsequent 2 quarters (6 months). You will then become eligible for a new authorization letter starting from April 21st 2025.
In the meantime, it is advised to remove yourself from the waiting list for the 1st of 2025 (to benefit from the dividends for this quarter) and rejoining the list starting from the 2nd quarter of 2025. As we cannot guarantee a new letter immediately after the 6-month period, you should also consider rejoining the list starting from the 3rd quarter. No further action is required on your part; the selection process will occur automatically.
I notice that my rank on the waiting list changes, sometimes it decreases and sometimes it increases. Why?
While the rank on the seniority list can only decrease, the rank on the waiting list changes each term based on the following four events: 1. more senior members requesting to join the list, 2. more senior members requesting to leave the list, 3. more senior members purchasing a property, and 4. more senior members whose balance drops below $60,000.
I currently do not have the $60,000 to access the seniority list. Do you take into account the funds I hold in an RRSP or a FHSA?
We consider a maximum of $20,000 from an RRSP or FHSA for access to the seniority list. You will therefore need to have a Qurtuba account with a minimum balance of $40,000 and provide a statement of RRSP or FHSA Also, for the funds held in an RRSP and/or FHSA to be considered, you will need to provide a statement that includes the account holder's name, the account type, and the balance.
Is it possible for two members with separate accounts to exchange their ranks on the seniority list or waiting list?
No, rank swapping is not possible. However, a member may choose to relinquish their account in favor of another member. The latter would then become the account holder, along with everything that comes with it (including the funds).
Purchase Processes
What is the maximum contribution of Qurtuba in the purchase of a property?
Qurtuba contribution to the purchase of housing units is 80% of the purchase price, up to $400 000. For housing units whose price exceeds $500 000, it is up to the member to finance the exceeding amount.
The calculation of Qurtuba's maximum contribution is based on the member's account balance, as well as their RRSP/FHSA holdings, as of the date of their last entry on the waiting list.
When submitting the documents for the purchase approval, the member must ensure that he owns Qurtuba shares whose value is equal to his minimum contribution. If the funds allowing the member to reach his minimum contribution are held in an RRSP or FHSA account, he must agree, in writing, to bring the missing funds at least 10 days before the closing date. The commitment must be sent along with a recent RRSP/FHSA statement. With an accepted offer, the member can withdraw their RRSP/FHSA without being taxed under The Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) program.
I joined the waiting list with $60,000. I recently added $40,000, bringing my balance to $100,000. Am I eligible for Qurtuba's maximum contribution of $400,000?
Qurtuba's contribution calculation is based on the account balance at the time of entry onto the waiting list. If you have been on the list for more than one quarter, the calculation will be based on your account balance at the beginning of the selection quarter. For example, if you join the waiting list on January 1 with a balance of $60,000 and your turn comes in the 3rd quarter, the balance considered will be the one on July 1 (the start of the 3rd quarter). The same applies if you are selected in the 1st quarter with a $60,000 balance. If your balance is deemed insufficient, you can defer your selection to the next quarter and add more funds to your account before the start of that quarter. Qurtuba’s contribution will then be calculated based on your updated balance at the beginning of the following quarter.
Can I buy shares after I entered the waiting list to benefit the 80% of Qurtuba for the said purchase?
You can purchase shares at any time; however, Qurtuba's maximum contribution will not be adjusted once your name has been added to the waiting list. To ensure that any additional amounts are considered, you will need to remove yourself from the waiting list and rejoin it in the a futur quarter, or wait until the beginning of the following quarter to be considered for the authorization letter.
I have a simple account, of which I am the sole holder. When purchasing the property, I wish to use my RRSP/First Home Savings Account (FHSA), but also those of my spouse. Is this possible?
If your spouse (or any other person) is not a co-holder of the account, they will not be able to withdraw the funds held in their RRSP without paying tax. To be eligible, you will need to add their name to the Qurtuba account (convert it into a joint account) before making your purchase offer. By doing so, both of you will act as authorized representatives of Qurtuba, and both names will appear on the purchase offers. To add another person as a joint account holder, you will need to complete the membership form with both of your information and submit it to Qurtuba along with a copy of each of your identification documents.
What is the maximum amount I can use from my RRSP or FHSA?
The maximum amounts are determined by the federal government. They are currently $60,000 for the RRSP and $40,000 for the FHSA. For two joint members, it will be double ([60,000 + 40,000] x 2 = 200,000$). For more information on this matter, please contact the Canada Revenue Agency or the financial institution managing your account.
What are the costs that a member must bear when purchasing a home?
As soon as the purchase process has begun, the member concerned must expect to pay the inspection fees for the home for which his purchase offer has been accepted. If the process continues, he will have to pay a home insurance policy for a period of one year and the notary fees (deed of sale + occupancy agreement). He will also have to pay the transfer tax (welcome) once and the municipal and school taxes plus the cost of a home insurance each year.
For occupancy agreements signed on or after January 1, 2025, Qurtuba will cover the notary fees and the welcome tax at the time of purchase. However, these costs will become the member’s responsibility upon the transfer of ownership to their name. If the property is later transferred to another member or sold to a third party, the member must reimburse these costs to the cooperative.
What types of properties can I buy through Qurtuba?
You can purchase the following types of residences: single-family homes and condos (divided co-ownership). It is not possible to buy income properties, undivided co-ownership properties, or farms.
Is it possible to buy a duplex through Qurtuba?
Qurtuba, as a non-profit organization, does not purchase income properties. The purchase of a duplex by Qurtuba is possible under certain conditions. The purchase, subject to a decision by the Board of Directors (BOD), may be accepted in very exceptional situations, particularly in the case of large families with adult children. The duplex will be occupied by the same family. Thus, an explanatory request must be sent to the members of the BOD, with supporting evidence according to the situation. Please note that, in all cases, it is prohibited to rent a property or part of a property owned by Qurtuba.
Can I purchase a property outside the province of Quebec?
No, this is not possible. Qurtuba's housing program only covers the province of Quebec.
What documents must be submitted to Qurtuba for final approval of the property acquisition?
To obtain final approval for the purchase of the house, the member must submit the following documents to the cooperative: (1) the accepted conditional offer, (2) the counter-offers (if applicable), (3) the seller's declaration, (4) the certificate of location describing the current condition of the property, (5) the inspection report, (6) the municipal assessment of the property, and (7) the declaration of co-ownership (if it is a condominium). Once these documents are received and reviewed, the cooperative issues a property acquisition approval letter, along with a bank reference letter. The cooperative then designates a notary to schedule the purchase transaction.
Is a certificate of location required for final approval of a property acquisition?
Yes, a certificate of location, dated within the last 10 years and describing the current condition of the property, is required. If you are unable to provide such a document, you must provide the certificate of location that is in the seller's possession at the time of the offer acceptance, along with the receipt for the order of the new certificate of location.
Can I purchase a property sold without legal warranty of quality, at the buyer's own risk?
Qurtuba accepts the acquisition of properties sold without a legal warranty of quality, provided that the concerned member assumes full responsibility and releases the cooperative from any liability through a notarial certificate. By doing so, the member waives, among other things, their right to sue the cooperative for latent defects and agrees to take sole responsibility for any future issues that may arise with the property.
Qurtuba has issued me an approval letter for purchasing a property. I would like to increase my contribution before signing the sale deed, is this possible?
Yes, this is possible. The payment must be made at least 10 days before the signing of the sale deed for the funds to be considered in the occupancy agreement. After this deadline, it will be considered an ad hoc payment.It should be noted that Qurtubera will not increase its contribution which remains fixed according to the amount of funds held by the member at the time he entered the waiting list.
I purchased a property through a bank mortgage. Is it possible to transfer the property to Qurtuba?
People who are already property owners and wish to transfer their mortgage to Qurtuba will be listed separately. The eligibility criteria for these members are the same as for first-time buyers. Additionally, they must have held at least six months' worth of shares amounting to a minimum of 5% of the mortgage balance. If the property’s equity exceeds 20% of its value, the member is not required to purchase additional shares. Otherwise, the member must buy more shares to reach the 20% threshold. Members on this list are selected separately.
It is important to note that due to the very high demand for mortgage transfers that Qurtuba has received in recent years, mortgage payments have been suspended in order to give priority to first-time buyer members. The only option currently available is to follow the process as a first-time buyer, that is, join Qurtuba, have a balance of $60,000 and join the waiting list. When your turn comes, Qurtuba will purchase your property and pay the mortgage in full.
I already own a plot of land and would like Qurtuba to finance my building project. What is the transfer procedure?
First, you'll need to transfer title to the land ito Qurtuba. To do this, you'll need to contact Qurtuba, who will appoint a notary to prepare the transaction. Then, when it's your turn on the waiting list, you'll need to identify a builder to whom you'll give the contract to build the house on the land concerned.
What are the financial requirements for a member to build a new house with Qurtuba's support?
To build a new house, the member must hold sufficient shares to cover all required payments, including the cost of the land, up until the keys are handed over. Qurtuba will then cover the remaining balance in accordance with its contribution regulations at the time of signing the deed.
How to undertake a construction project with Qurtuba?
- If the member is the owner of the land on which the construction project will be done, the member will have to transfer it to Qurtuba. If the member does not own land, the project price must include the cost of land acquisition.
- The member solicits bids from builders or research construction projects. The member will forward the bid or project of interest to Qurtuba. Only projects where the majority of the project cost (90% or more) is paid upon completion are accepted.
- Qurtuba performs the necessary checks on the builder (reliability, trustworthiness, project history, etc.). If the builder uses subcontractors, they must have liability insurance.
- If the results of the checks are conclusive, the member will be authorized to sign the pre-contract (preliminary contract) on behalf of Qurtuba.
- Within days of signing the pre-contract, the member submits the pre-contract for approval (legal deadline of 10 days not to be exceeded). When submitting the documents for the approval, the member must ensure that he owns Qurtuba shares whose value is equal to his minimum contribution. If the funds allowing the member to reach his minimum contribution are held in an RRSP account, he must agree, in writing, to bring the missing funds at least 10 days before the closing date. If the member intends to make down payments to the builder, these amounts will be considered as part of the contribution. Any payment required by the builder prior to the signing of the deed of sale must be honored by the member.
- A conditional approval is issued. Conditions include delivery of the property, receipt of the pre-acceptance inspection report and certificate of location which do not indicate any non-conformities.
- The final approval of the acquisition will be made only upon delivery of the property and following the pre-acceptance inspection to your satisfaction and the receipt of the pre-acceptance inspection report and the certificate of location not mentioning any non-conformity.
- Upon delivery of the property, the price of the property will consider the purchase cost of the land and the cost of the construction project if the land was in the possession of the member. Otherwise, the price of the property will be the cost of the construction project if the land price is included.
What is required for house signing?
- Appointment with the notary.
- Proof of house insurance.
- Identity documents and the documents and information requested by the designated notary.
- Member occupant will be responsible for municipal, school and water taxes. Member occupant will be responsible for house insurance, repairs and maintenance.
When we go to the notary to sign the occupancy agreement, will a board member be present?
The notary is responsible for organizing the appointments for signing the sale deeds and occupancy agreements. The signatures can take place at the same time and therefore, in the presence of a member of the BOD or at different times, all depending on the organization planned by the notary.
I would like to subscribe to home insurance for the property. How should I proceed?
Although the concept of an occupant is recognized in the Civil Code, the IT systems of some insurance companies are not adapted to this. However, several companies still provide home insurance policies to Qurtuba members, where the occupant members are the insured, and the cooperative is listed as the mortgage creditor.
Qurtuba has entered into an agreement with the Cooperators group and Allstate. The insurance will be in the member's name, and the designated creditor is Qurtuba (the property owner). Members are therefore encouraged to contact the Cooperators group as a priority by calling 514-697-4141 (extension 577 036) or 1-888-394-4964 and identifying themselves as members of the Takaful group. To contact Allstate, dial 514 619 3144
Does Qurtuba participate in the negotiation or submission of a purchase offer?
No, Qurtuba does not participate in the negotiation or submission of a purchase offer. Therefore, in no event shall the Qurtuba be liable, sued and/or held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages or any other damages whatsoever, whether in connection with the negotiation, submission of an offer to purchase, conclusion of the deed of purchase and/or sale or any other act directly or indirectly related to the acquisition of the property. The Cooperative’s role is limited to financing the property; it does not intervene in the purchase process. Consequently, any fault committed in the process of purchasing the building is entirely attributable to the mandatary to the exclusion of the Cooperative, its employees, its president and its directors.
In view of the foregoing, the Purchasers and their Broker, the Sellers and their Broker and/or any other person involved in the process of acquiring the Property, waive all recourse against Qurtuba. Any recourse against Qurtuba will be declared abusive.
Property Occupancy
Who owns the purchased house? Does the occupant member hold any ownership in the house?
The purchased house is owned by Qurtuba, which means it is collectively owned by all its members. No, the occupant member does not own any part of the house; they are only a shareholder in Qurtuba.
Under what conditions could one occupy a house?
Once the Coop has purchased the house for you, you will forfeit all your regular type B equity shares, which will be replaced by special type A equity shares of equal value. These type A shares do not entitle you to dividends. Their purpose is to track the evolution of your payments for the property.
What is the difference between tenant and occupant?
The tenant pays a fixed amount as rent, which can be increased by the owner of the rented house, taking at least the inflation rate as a reference. The occupant pays an occupancy fee based on the shares held in the house by himself and by Qurtuba. As he buys back Qurtuba's shares and increases his own, the occupancy fee decreases regularly. In addition, the occupant receives a discount on the occupancy fee once a year.
How is the relationship between Qurtuba and a home occupant formalized ?
The relationship is formalized through a notarized occupancy convention. There are not two contracts in a single contract.
Does Qurtuba provide an RL-31 slip to the home occupants?
The relationship between Qurtuba and the member is an owner-occupant relationship, not an owner-tenant relationship. Therefore, Qurtuba is not required to issue an RL-31 slip.
Is it allowed to open a family daycare for children in a house purchased by Qurtuba?
Yes, it is possible to open a family daycare for children in a house purchased by Qurtuba, provided that all applicable requirements and regulations set by the government are met.
Can I rent the property I occupy with Qurtuba?
Qurtuba is a non-profit organization. This status requires that no commercial or semi-commercial activities be carried out within the premises it owns. As a result, it is prohibited to rent a property or part of a property owned by Qurtuba.
Although I've chosen a 27-year term to pay the monthly installments, can I make early payments and shorten the term of the occupancy convention ?
Yes, you can make advance payments without penalty.
My occupancy agreement states that the payment period is 27 years. Is it possible to shorten this period?
Yes, it is possible to complete your payments earlier, either by increasing your monthly payments or by making ad hoc payments. There are no limits, fees, or penalties.
I am a home occupant. If I pay an additional amount on top of my monthly payment, what impact will this have on my capital, monthly payment and duration?
There are two advantages of making an additional payment. Firstly, if you make an extra payment and pay the same monthly instalment, you can complete the repayment as quickly as possible. Secondly, with your extra payment, keeping the same term, you can reduce your monthly payments.
I am occupying a property and wish to make an ad hoc payment. After this payment, will my monthly installments decrease?
By default, the monthly installments remain unchanged, and ad hoc payments will reduce the payment term. Upon request, a calculation can be made to determine the new monthly installment while maintaining the original term.
As a home occupant, I sent a supplementary deposit the previous month (Ex: January), but my previous pre-authorized monthly payment was withdrawn in this new month (Ex: February).
If you have given a supplementary deposit towards your home-occupant account and you wish to receive the new calculation for your monthly payment starting from the following new month, it is advised to please contact pad@qurtuba.ca Please note that you will need to send the updated pre-authorization debit form.
What is the occupancy fees rebate and how does it calculate?
The occupancy fees rebate is a kind of gift that Qurtuba offers home occupants every year during Ramadan. It is calculated by multiplying the rebate rate by the total amount of occupancy fees you paid in the previous year. The rate of rebate varies from year to year.
Qurtuba's contribution for my house purchase was $400,000.00. Am I only going to pay this same amount of $400,00.00 back to Qurtuba? If not, why? Will I be paying more at the end? If yes, what is the reason?
The amount you will have to repay is equal to Qurtuba's contribution. If Qurtuba's contribution was $400,000, the reimbursement will be $400,000. However, you will also have to pay occupancy fees for the property that was made available to you. Thus, the monthly payment you will have to pay is made up of, on the one hand, these occupancy fees and, on the other hand, an amount as reimbursement that corresponds to the purchase of shares held by Qurtuba in the property. Also, the occupancy fees decrease and the shares purchased by the member increase as the payments are made.
I want to dispose of the property I occupy with Qurtuba. What is the procedure to follow?
You must occupy the property for a minimum of one year and obtain approval from the board of directors before you can dispose of it. If applicable, the house must first be offered to eligible members (those listed on the seniority list) through an email announcement sent by Qurtuba. If no member expresses interest, you can request permission to put the property on the market. Please note that the sale price on the market must be higher than that requested from Qurtuba members, especially if the sale is made with the help of a real estate broker.
Can a home occupant request the sale of the house he occupies?
Yes, if the member has valid reasons, such as changing residence outside the province of Quebec, loss of employment, etc. The Qurtuba BOD will review the request and provide a response.
A member must stay a minimum of one year before being able to sell the property. The property will first be offered for occupancy to other members. If no member is interested in occupying the property, the board of directors may authorize the occupying member to put the property on the market for sale to a third party. The member is responsible for the sales process. The properties are always solde without the legal warranty of quality and the notary is appointed by Qurtuba.
In the event of a sale, the calculation of capital gain/loss is done. The member receives 80% of the capital gain if he holds less than 50% of the capital, and 90% of the capital gain if he owns 50% or more.
I have occupied a property with Qurtuba for over a year, and I would like to dispose of it and buy another one that better suits my needs. Is that possible?
Carrying out a double sale-purchase transaction is often a complex process, especially due to the current real estate market. First, the house must be offered to members through an email announcement sent by Qurtuba. If no member expresses interest, you may request authorization from the Board of Directors to list the property on the market. Please note that the price offered to members must be lower than the price that will be asked on the market, especially if the property is listed through a broker.
Once the transfer is made to another member or the sale proceeds are received, Qurtuba will issue an authorization so you can make purchase offers. The occupancy timeline must be negotiated to ensure you do not need to temporarily rent while finding a new property.
I occupy a property with Qurtuba, and I would like to buy it through a mortgage. Is that possible?
The transfer by financing may be made at the request of the member after a period of two years from the date of its riginal acquisition. The home occupant member will be required to pay 20% of the difference between the municipal evaluation at the time of transfer and the evaluation at the time of purchase. The home occupant member shall pay all taxes, fees and charges inherent in the transfer of the property. The transfer will be made without any legal guarantee of quality.
What happens when I finish paying for my home?
Qurtuba is the sole owner of the house throughout the occupancy period. Once you have accumulated equity shares whose value equals the initial purchase price of the property, Qurtuba will transfer the title of ownership to you in exchange for your equity shares.
Once I have completed the payment of my monthly installments, are there any additional fees to pay for transferring the property title to my name?
If the occupancy convention is dated on or after July 1, 2022, there are no fees to pay. However, if the occupancy convention was signed before July 1, 2022, the home occupant will pay Qurtuba a share of the capital gain recorded by the property. The capital gain is equal to the difference between the municipal assessment made on the purchase date and that made on the transfer date of the property. The home occupant will have to pay 10% of this gain without exceeding $15,000. The member is responsible for covering the notary fees and the welcome tax upon the transfer of ownership to their name (for occupancy agreements signed on or after January 1, 2025).
What are the administrative fees for occupants who pay by check?
Administrative fees apply to occupant members who choose to pay their monthly installments by check. These fees are $8 per month if the member provides 12 checks and $10 per month for any other number of checks.
Why doesn't Qurtuba cover taxes, insurance costs, or renovation expenses?
According to the terms of the occupancy convention signed between the cooperative and the home occupant, the latter must pay a certain number of fees including municipal and school taxes, home insurance fees as well as possible repair, maintenance and development costs. Many people consider it unfair to make the home occupant bear these costs. But Qurtuba considers it fair that each home occupant should assume the costs in question, the amounts of which depend on the characteristics and condition of the house he himself has chosen.
It would be unfair if Qurtuba support the said costs, which would have led to privileging certain members to the detriment of others; the costs are not equal from one house to another! The following examples will help shed light on this question: Let us suppose that a house was purchased in a given area for an amount of $700,000 and that the municipal service costs amount to $8,000. Member A who occupies the house contributed $300,000 while Qurtuba provided $400,000 to enable the purchase of the house. Another house was purchased in another area for $500,000 and the municipal service charges were $3,000. Member B who occupies the house contributed $100,000 while Qurtuba provided $400,000 to enable the purchase of the house. Is it fair to pay $8,000 to occupant A from the cooperative income and to pay $3,000 to member B? The answer is definitely no.
The result is the same if we calculate it based on the ratio and the proportion between the members' shares in relation to the value of the house and the service charges. The results are as follows: Share of member A: (300/700) *100= 42.86%. Amount of fees to be paid by member A: 42.86% *8000 = $3428.8. Amount of fees to be paid by Qurtuba: 8000-3428.8 = $4571.2. Share of member B: (100/500) *100= 20%. Amount of fees to be paid by member B: 20% * 3000 = $600. Amount of fees to be paid by the cooperative: 3000-600= $2400. It is observed that member A remains privileged over member B if the cooperative paid the service fees taking into account the shares owned in the properties.
To achieve a fair distribution of Qurtuba's profits among the home occupants, these fees must be paid by the concerned members, and the same example applies to insurance fees because they differ from one house to another.
With regard to the repair and improvement costs of the house, the member pays them for the following reasons: 1. The home occupant is the only beneficiary of the increase in the value of the house due to the repairs and improvements that he has carried out. The Cooperative sells the house to the member at the same purchase price, without taking into account its market value. 2. The home occupant receives annual rebates throughout the occupancy period and gets a reduction of occupancy fees due to the addition of these to his shares. In the worst case, members obtain a 7% discount on occupancy fees, which results in profits exceeding $60,000 and potentially reaching $115,000 as shown in the table below. The percentage of profits is considered fixed when it is not; it varies from one year to the next between 7% and 20%.
Who pays the municipal and school taxes imposed on homes?
The home occupant pays all taxes relating to the house he occupies
Where do I send my proof of receipt for the school tax bill and the municipal tax bill?
It is advisable to always send a copy of the school tax and municipal tax [once during the year, at the beginning] and to provide proof of payment each time you make a payment, either in installments or in full before its deadline to taxes@qurtuba.ca
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